Climate of India

Climate of india

Jul 1, 2024 - 15:04
Jul 11, 2024 - 16:04
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Climate of India

What are the most important features of India's climate?

Answer:  In change in direction of winds


Which Arab scholar first described the Indian monsoon?

Answer:  Al Masoodi


Which does not affect the Indian monsoon?

Answer:  gulfstream


Despite being situated at a lower latitude than Amritsar, Shimla is colder because-

Answer:  It is at high altitude


In which state there is no rain due to south-west monsoon?

Answer:  Tamil Nadu


The reasons due to which autumn rains mostly occur in Tamil Nadu are-

Answer:  North-East Monsoon


In which region does the south-west monsoon enter first?

Answer:  Kerala


In which part of the country does rainfall occur from both the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal branches of monsoon?

Answer:  Punjab


By which of the following names are the pre-monsoon thunderstorms known in the states of Assam, West Bengal and Orissa?

Answer:  Norwesters


The Coromandel Coast of India receives the highest rainfall.

Answer:  In October-November


The reason for winter rainfall in the north-western part of India is-

Answer:  western disturbance


In India, maximum rainfall occurs in which region?

Answer:  Western Ghats, Himalayan region and Meghalaya


The place that receives maximum rainfall in India is-

Answer:   Mawsinram


What is the correct order of the two states receiving the highest and least rainfall in India?

Answer:   Meghalaya and Rajasthan


Which state sometimes faces floods during the withdrawal of monsoon phase?

Answer: Tamil Nadu


Which coastal region in India receives rainfall from the north-east monsoon?

Answer: Coromandel Coast


In which state of India, the rain caused by lightning storm is called cherry blossom?

Answer: Karnataka


Are mangoes normal in rain?

Answer: Kerala


Which local winds help in ripening of mangoes?

Answer:  Mango Shower


Most of the parts of India receive rainfall from?

Answer:  June to September


Which of the states first receives rainfall from the south-west monsoon?

Answer: Kerala


Identify the states which are associated with pre-monsoon showers nor'westers/Kalbaisakhi?

Answer: West Bengal and Assam


The climate of Uttar Pradesh can be referred to as?

Answer: humid subtropical climate


Which part of India receives the first monsoon in summer?

Answer: Western Ghats


Seasonal change in the direction of winds during a year is known as?

Answer: monsoon


In which part of India does the first monsoon come in summer?

Answer: Western Ghats


Which is the driest place in India?

Answer:  Jaisalmer


Who considered rainfall as the basis for classification of climatic zones?

Answer:  Thornthwaite
