India's Agriculture
India's Agriculture

The most important element of weather adversely affecting agriculture in India is?
Answer: rain
Not included in cash crops?
Answer: Wheat
Which is not a Rabi crop in India?
Answer: Jute
The largest rice producing state of India is-
Answer: West Bengal
The main food crop of India is-
Answer: Rice
Which region is called the rice bowl of India?
Answer: Krishna-Godavari region
What are the first three major wheat producing states in India?
Answer: U.P. Punjab and Haryana
The largest food grain producing state of India is-
Answer: Uttar Pradesh
The crop covering maximum cultivable area in India is?
Answer: Paddy
Name the food crop which gives highest yield in India-
Answer: Rice
In which respect has the Green Revolution been most successful in India?
Answer: Wheat and Rice
As a result of the Green Revolution, whose share in the total food grains in the country has decreased?
Answer: Pulses and coarse grains
Which state is known as the granary of India?
Answer: Punjab
Green revolution means-
Answer: Increasing crop yield per acre by using modern methods of agriculture.
Who is considered the father of Green Revolution in India?
Answer: Dr. M.S. Swaminathan
Which is the largest groundnut producing state of India?
Answer: Gujarat
Which state is the largest soybean producing state in India?
Answer: Madhya Pradesh
Which state is the largest producer of cashew?
Answer: Kerala
Which state produces the maximum number of pulses in India?
Answer: Madhya Pradesh
Where is saffron found in largest quantity?
Answer: From Jammu and Kashmir
Which state is the largest jute producing state in India?
Answer: West Bengal
A system in which local farmers were allowed to temporarily farm within a plantation is known as?
Answer: eastern agriculture
What is shifting cultivation called in Central America?
Answer: Milpa
Not related to agricultural revolution?
Answer: None of these
Who among the following established the Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF)?
Answer: NABARD
What is the Golden Revolution related to?
Answer: Horticulture and honey
Muga silk is related to which state of India?
Answer: Assam
Which are only Rabi crops?
Answer: Barley and gram
What type of farming is done in areas of high population pressure on land?
Answer: Intensive subsistence farming
Revolution in fertilizers is related to which color?
Answer: gray
What is the estimated expected return to farmers through MSP (Minimum Support Price) on their cost of production for barley for marketing season 2021-22?
Answer: 65 percent
In which year did the then Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi issue special postage stamps titled Wheat Revolution to launch the Green Revolution?
Answer: 1968
A piece of land where a cash crop is grown for sale is known as?
Answer: Horticulture Farming
In Jharkhand, the primitive form of agriculture is called?
Answer: Kuruva
Which is not a source of agricultural finance in India?
Answer: None of these
What percentage of the total land in India is engaged in agricultural activities?
Answer: 52.7 percent
Approximately what percentage of India's working population is engaged in agricultural activities?
Answer: 48.9 percent
What was the contribution of agriculture sector in India's gross domestic product in 1950-51?
Answer: 55.40 percent
At present, what is the contribution of agriculture sector in India's gross domestic product?
Answer: 13.9 percent
When was the first agricultural census conducted?
Answer: 1970 AD