1. A thing fit to eat – Edible खाने योग्य चीज़
2. A person who believes that laws and governments are not necessary.- Anarchist अराजकतावादी
3. A place where coins, medals, or tokens are made- Mint वह स्थान जहाँ सिक्के, पदक या टोकन बनाये जाते हैं
4. A person who abandons religion – Apostate धर्मत्यागी
5. A person who hates and avoids other people - Misanthrope मानवद्वेषी
6. A person who does not believe that God or Gods exist. - Atheist नास्तिक
7. A book or set of books giving information about all areas of knowledge – Encyclopedia विश्वकोश
8. Huge fire for celebration – Bonfire उत्सागनि
9. A place to play games and bet on them – Casino जुआघर
10. Certain to happen – Inevitable जो टल न सके
11. Any female animal which feeds its young on milk from her own body- Mammal सस्तन प्राणी
12. A group of people travelling together in a van- Caravan कारवां
13. The money paid to former wife, husband or partner when the marriage is ended - Alimony निर्वाह निधि
14. A person who compiles a dictionary- Lexicographer कोशकार
15. A detailed description of a series of real or fictional events taking place over a long period of time- Saga कथा
16. A sentimental memory of the past - Nostalgia अतीत की सुखद स्मृतियों या चीज़ों के प्रति लगाव
17. A large number of fish swimming together - Shoal मछली का एक झुंड
18. A secret plan, made to do something (usually wrong) – Conspiracy षड़यंत्र
19. A person who gives help and sympathy to people who need it - Samaritan मुसीबत में मदद करने वाला
20. To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness- -Procrastinate टालमटोल टालना