Telegram Question - 09/05/2024

Telegram Question - 09/05/2024

May 9, 2024 - 16:12
 0  3230
Telegram Question - 09/05/2024

In which state did India's first indoor athletics stadium and indoor aquatic centre get inaugurated?




Tamil Nadu


Correct Answer = 1



Who secured another six-year term in the recent Russian election?


Dmitry Medvedev

Ella Pamfilova

Vladimir Putin

Leonid Slutsky

Correct Answer = 3



With whom did SANY India sign an MoU to provide finance solutions for infrastructure projects in Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh?


J&K Bank

Punjab National Bank

Bank of India

Axis Bank

Correct Answer = 1



What is the focus of the Indian Army's specialized technology unit, Signals Technology Evaluation and Adaptation Group (STEAG)?


Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning

Communication Technologies

Quantum Technologies

Correct Answer = 3



Which country has signed a deal to purchase Indian-made Dornier aircraft with a loan from the Export-Import Bank of India?




Trinidad and Tobago


Correct Answer = 1



Which organization has committed ₹100 crore to enhance cancer care through the National Cancer Grid?


Federal Bank

Axis Bank

Oncology Research Institute

Cancer Teleconsultation Network

Correct Answer = 2



Who has been awarded the prestigious Sangita Kalanidhi for 2024?


Bhagavatula Seetharama Sarma

Chengalpet Ranganathan

Semmangudi Srinivasa Iyer

Thodur Madabusi Krishna

Correct Answer = 4



Which country is participating in the joint military exercise "EX TIGER TRIUMPH – 24" with India?


United Kingdom

United States Of America



Correct Answer = 2



When is the International Day of Happiness celebrated?


March 20

April 15

March 22

June 5

Correct Answer = 1



In which state has the Election Commission launched the "Mission 414" campaign to boost voter turnout?



Himachal Pradesh


Uttar Pradesh

Correct Answer = 2