Aspirants who are preparing for UPSC 2024 here at exam rewards you will find complete IAS syllabus and other important details -

Jul 30, 2023 - 13:20
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Aspirants who are preparing for UPSC 2024 here at exam rewards you will find complete IAS syllabus and other important details -








Aspirants preparing for IAS 2024 must start there preparation. becacuse one year preparation is must and one also need sufficient time for revision

aspirant should also initiate with proper planning because one with smart work will always be ahead of others



UPSC is a Constitutional Body under Article 315-323 Part XIV Chapter II of the Constitution of India to discharge their duties, functions and obligations assigned under Article 320. The UPSC  conducts various examinations  in accordance with the Rules of examination as notified by the Government of India in a just, fair and impartial manner  for making a merit based selection and recommendation of candidates for various Group A and Group B Services  of the Govt. of India. For more information related to UPSC visit




The UPSC exam is conducted in three stage

·      Prelims Exam

·      Mains Exam

·      Interview 


PRELIMS EXAM PATTERN (Objective type, 2 papers)

UPSC syllabus of prelims is divided into two parts General studies paper 1 and General studies paper 2 one should be prepared for both

Both papers are objective type.


Exam type

No. Of question & marks scheme

Time duration


 GS Paper1


Prelims marks not conducted in final merit list

Objective 100

+2 marks


2 hours


GS Paper II 

Qualifying nature 33%

Objective 80

+2.5 marks

2 hours




Both GS paper 1&2 will have a negative marking . for every wrong answer there will be a deduction of 1/3



UPSC prelims syllabus for General studies (paper-1)

·      History of India and the Indian National Movement

·      Current Affairs (Events) National and International

·      General Science

·      Art and Culture

·      General Issues on Environmental

·      Indian and World Geography (Social, Physical and Economic)

·      Indian polity and Governance-(Constitution, political system,  Panchayati Raj, Rights issues etc.)

·      Economic and social development (Sustainable Development poverty Inclusion Demographic)

·      Miscellaneous section(Indian Society and social Problems in India)

UPSC IAS Prelims syllabus for CSAT (paper-2)

·      Comprehension.

·      Interpersonal skills including communication skills;

·      Logical reasoning and analytical ability.

·      Decision making and problem –solving

·      General mental ability

·      Basic numeracy

·      Data interpretation

·      English Language comprehension skills



UPSC Mains exam includes 9 papers conducted over 5-7 days Only those students are allowed to appear for mains exams who will be qualify in prelims paper-I & paper II                                                                     

UPSC Mains Exam pattern consists of a total 9 papers:







Compulsory Indian language

Qualifying nature                    







Final merit (marks will be counted in the final merit list)

3 hours




3 hours




3 hours



General studies I

3 hours



General studies II

3 hours



General studies III

3 hours



General studies IV

3 hours



Optional I

3 hours



Optional II


3 hours


 UPSC MAINS TOTAL MARKS -                         1750


IAS Interview – Personality test  275 marks

A personality test or IAS Interview will be last stage of the UPSC IAS exam. Those candidates who clear mains will be called up for the Interview.

In this stage the candidates mental and social traits will be tested by asking question of general interest. Here the members evaluate the logical exposition, critical powers of assimilation, a balance of judgment, variety and depth of interest, leadership , ability of social cohesion and moral integrity and intellectual.




·      National Issues

·      Indian Economy

·      Indian Polity

·      Judiciary

·      Environment

·      Science and Technology

·      States

·      Social Schemes

·      Sports News

·      Reports

·      Committee and Commission

·      Awards and Honours

·      Accident and calamities

·      First in India


·      Important Summits & Events

·      International Awards

·      First in the world

·      International leadership

·      International Reports

·      International committees and recommendations

·      Geographical event around the world


History - (Ancient, Medieval, and Modern History)

Ancient History

·      Pre-Historic Times

·      Indus Valley Civilization

·      Rig Vedic Period

·      Later Vedic Period

·      Jainism

·      Buddhism

·      Mahajanpadas

·      Mauryan Period

·      Post-Mauryan Period

·      Gupta Period

·      Harshwardhana Period

·      Sangam Period (South-Indian Dynasties)

·      Medieval History

·      Major Dynasties of Early Medieval India (Pratiharas, Pallavas, Chalukyas, Rashtrakutas)

·      Cholas and South-Indian Kingdoms

·      Early Muslim Invasions

·      The Delhi Sultanate

·      Afghans, Rajputs & Mughals

·      Establishment of the North-Indian Empire

·      The Mughal Empire

·      Marathas and the Other Indian States

·      The decline of the Mughal Empire

·      Vijaynagar Empire


Modern History

·      Advent of Europeans

·      British Expansion

·      Administration before 1857

·      Economic Policies of the British

·      Impact of British Administration

·      Revolt of 1857

·      Administrative Changes after 1857

·      Development of Civil Services

·      Development of Education

·      Development of Press

·      Socio-Religious Reforms

·      Peasant Movements

·      Revolutionary Nationalism

·      Indian National Movement-I (1905-1918)

·      Indian National Movement-II (1918-1929)

·      Indian National Movement-III (1930-1947)

·      Governors-General and Viceroys of India

·      Constitutional Development of Indian


Indian Geography

·      The basic idea about India

·      Location, latitude, longitude, time zone,

·      Neighbouring countries

·      States and its position and the states on International boundaries

·      Important straits

·      Physical features of India

·      The Himalayas

·      Geological Formation

·      Physiographic divisions

·      Climate, Vegetation, Soil and Biodiversity

·      Major passes

·      Significance

·      Recent issues

·      The Great North Indian plains

·      Geological Formation

·      Physiographic divisions

·      Climate, Vegetation, Soil and Biodiversity

·      Significance

·      Peninsular Plateau

·      Geological formation

·      Deccan plateau

·      Central Highlands

·      Western and Eastern Ghats

·      Socio-economic issues related

·      Indian Desert

·      Coastal plains and Islands

·      River systems – Characteristics, comparison and significance

·      Himalayan rivers

·      Peninsular rivers

·      River basins

·      Hydro-Power projects, Power plants and Major Dams

·      Regional development and planning

·      West flowing and east-flowing rivers

·      Interlinking of rivers

·      Climate in India

·      Monsoon

·      Driving mechanism

·      Effects of La-Nino and El-Nino

·      Recent theories

·      Season of India

·      Cyclones

·      Mineral and industries

·      Distribution of minerals

·      Industrial policies

·      Location factors

·      Issues and challenges of the industries

·      Industrial clusters

·      Agriculture and Allied-characteristics and Problems

·      Land utilisation

·      Types of agriculture practices

·      Soils and Crops

·      Trends agriculture (Green revolution )

·      Irrigation

·      Major irrigation projects

·      Land reforms

·      Government policies and schemes

·      Animal husbandry (livestock resources)

·      Natural vegetation and fauna- Characteristics, importance, comparison and significance

·      Classification of natural vegetation

·      Rainfall distribution

·      Wildlife sanctuaries

·      National Forest Policy

·      Biosphere reserve

·      National parks

·      Environmental issues

·      Red-listed species (in recent news)

·      Economic infrastructure

·      Transportation,

·      Road(National Highways)- Rail- Air- Water(Major inland waterways) and its Significance

·      Power and energy sector

·      Sources of conventional and non-conventional energy

·      Energy conservation and crisis

·      Recent developments

·      Human Geography

·      Demographics

·      Recent census- 2011


World Geography & Physical Geography

·      Theories related to Solar System

·      Theories related to the formation of the universe

·      Recent updates on the same

·      The motion of the Earth – Rotation and Revolution

·      Latitudes and Longitudes

·      The inclination of the Earth’s Axis – effect on seasons

·      Solar Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse and Tides and their significance

·      Earth’s movement (exo-genetic and endo-genetic)

·      Earthquakes, volcanic activity

·      The basic idea about Continental Drift Theory, Plate Tectonics Theory, Sea Floor Spreading

·      lithosphere

·      Interaction of lithosphere with other spheres

·      Boundaries and composition

·      Basic information about geographical landforms and their significance

·      Rock system and Classification of Rocks

·      Climatology

·      Structure and composition of the atmosphere

·      Factors controlling the temperature distribution

·      Insolation and terrestrial radiation

·      Heat budget

·      Global warming and ozone layer

·      Humidity and condensation

·      Clouds

·      Classification of clouds

·      Precipitation

·      Precipitation mechanism

·      Different types and forms of precipitation

·      Pressure belts

·      Atmospheric circulation

·      Winds

·      Planetary Winds

·      Seasonal and Local Winds

·      Cyclones Tropical and Temperate cyclone

·      Formation of cyclone, characteristics and impact

·      Jet streams

·      Various atmospheric phenomenon

·      The hydrosphere

·      Bottom relief of ocean

·      Salinity and temp variation

·      Ocean Currents

·      Ocean deposit

·      Ocean resources

·      Recent issues and development with ref to oceanography- Eg: UNCLOS

·      Biosphere

·      Major Biomes

·      Flora and fauna

·      International Organisation for biodiversity

·      Conservation of Biodiversity

·      Recent issues

·      Economic geography

·      Map work

·      Places in News


Indian Polity and Governance

·      Features of preamble

·      42nd Amendment

·      Swaran Singh committee

·      The basic idea about 12 schedules

·      Constitution of India

·      The basic idea about All articles

·      Historical Background

·      Drafting committee and the making of the Constitution

·      Influence of other constitutions

·      Its salient features

·      Union and its Territory

·      The basic idea about Article 1-4

·      State reorganisation and different Commissions

·      Federal nature

·      Recent issues

·      Citizenship

·      The basic idea about Article 5-11

·      PIO, NRI, OCI and Pravasi Bharatiya Divas

·      Privileges available for Indian citizens and foreigners

·      Citizenship Amendment Act of 2016

·      New policies, schemes and recent changes in voting.

·      Fundamental Rights (FR)

·      The basic idea about Article 12-35

·      A thorough understanding of Articles 14- 30 and Art. 32

·      Rights and privileges available to citizens of India only and both to citizens and foreigners

·      44th amendment act

·      Different types of Writs

·      Enforcement and Exceptional cases with regard to FR’s

·      RTE and recent issues related to FR

·      Fundamental Duties(FD)

·      Article 51A

·      Difference between FR and FD

·      Significance and Criticism

·      Enforcement of FD’s

·      Recent issues about FD

·      Judiciary

·      The basic idea about article related to the judiciary.

·      Powers of Supreme court and high court

·      Qualification and appointment

·      Removal procedure

·      Recent controversy, verdicts, and constitutional provisions.

·      State Government- State Executive

·      Governor- appointment, removal and special powers.

·      Executive, Legislative, Financial, Judicial powers and discretionary of the governor

·      7th constitutional amendment

·      Chief minister and council of ministers

·      Power of chief minister

·      State Legislature

·      State legislature compared to the Parliament with regard to composition, powers, and functions.

·      Bicameral legislatures

·      Creation and abolition of the Legislative councils

·      Administration of Union Territories (UT)

·      Special provision for Delhi

·      Administration and jurisdiction in UT’s

·      Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP)

·      The basic idea about Article and Article 36-51 and Article 368

·      Sources and key features of DPSP

·      Classification of DPSP

·      Comparison/ conflicts between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles

·      Keshavananda Bharathi, Minerva Mills, Golaknath Case, Maneka Gandhi case.

·      Important Amendments- 42nd Amendment, 44th Amendment, and 97th amendment


·      The basic idea about Article 52-73

·      Qualification and Election

·      Function and Powers- (Executive, Legislative, Financial, Judicial, Diplomatic, Military and Emergency Powers)

·      Resignation and impeachment

·      Role and responsibilities and relationship with Prime minister, Council of Minister, Cabinet ministers.

·      Prime minister and council of ministers- Basic idea about Article 74-75


·      Economic growth and development – basic concept and definition of Economy and economics, uses and transfer of resources, distributive effects, macro and microeconomic policy, micro-macro balance, distributive impact of economic policies, development versus growth, determinant of growth and development, concepts such as HPI/MPI, HDI, PQLI, GEM, GDI/GII, TAI, Green index, sustainable development, India’s ranking in the various indices.

·      Poverty – definitions, causes, distribution-deprivation, income versus calories, measurement of poverty, the status of poverty, eradication programmes, poverty and resource policy, tribal rights and issues, livelihood mission.

·      Inclusion – definition, relevance, types, financial inclusion, recent initiatives.

·      Demographics – census data, populations by gender, by state, by age group, socio-economic status, caste, religion, literacy levels, etc. Trends in human development – interstate comparison, etc.

·      Fiscal policy – definition, component, receipts, revenue and capital account, tax revenue, expenditure, budget.


·      Universe – Big Bang, Redshift, Blueshift

·      Star Formation – Stellar Evolution, Life Cycle of A Star

·      Solar System Formation – Nebular Theory of Laplace

·      Solar System – Planets, Inner Planets, Outer Planets

·      Sun – Internal Structure, Atmosphere

·      Nuclear Fission, Nuclear Reactor Types

·      India’s Three-Stage Nuclear Power Programme

·      Cell Organelles – Plant Cell vs Animal Cell

·      Carbohydrates – Monosaccharides, Polysaccharides

·      Proteins – Amino Acids, Enzymes

·      Vitamins and Minerals – Deficiency Diseases

·      Fats – Healthy Fats and Unhealthy Fats

·      Animal Tissues – Epithelium, Connective Tissues

·      Human Digestive System – Digestive Glands

·      Respiratory System – NCERT General Science

·      Endocrine Glands and Hormones

·      Human Neural System – Human Brain

·      Muscular and Skeletal System

·      Nucleic acids – DNA and RNA, Recombinant DNA

·      Mitosis – Cell Cycle, Cell Division, Meiosis – Mitosis – Meiosis Comparison

·      Inheritance – Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance, Chromosomal Theory, Human Genome Project

·      Sex Determination – Genetic Disorders

·      Diseases Caused by Microorganisms

·      Microbes in Human Welfare – Useful Microbes

·      Immunity – Human Immune System

·      AIDS, Cancer – causes

·      Drugs and Alcohol Abuse

·      Diseases – Acute, Chronic, Communicable Diseases

·      Blood – Blood Groups – Formed Elements

·      Circulatory System, Double Circulation

·      Excretory System – Kidney, Urine Formation

·      Origin and Evolution of Life on Earth

·      Biological Classification

·      Five Kingdom Classifications of Plants and Animals

·      Plant Parts and Their Functions

·      Plant Kingdom – Halophytes, Bryophytes

·      Plants with Seeds – Gymnosperms and Angiosperms

·      Plant Tissue – Simple, Complex Permanent Tissue

·      Plant Nutrition – Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Cycle, Fixation

·      Sexual and Asexual Reproduction in Plants

·      Classification of Animal Kingdom (Animalia)

·      Classification of Vertebrata (Phylum Chordata)

·      Human Reproductive System

·      Biotechnology – Genetic Engineering – Processes and Applications

·      Atomic Theory – Structure of an Atom


UPSC General Studies Mains Syllabus

The mains General Studies paper consists of four papers candidate after clearing prelims will be allowed to appear for mains exam  Check the table below for getting better understanding of the General Studies paper of mains:


General Studies Paper Topics Covered

Paper 2 – General Studies 1

General Studies Paper 1 consists mainly of History and Geography of the World and Society, Indian Heritage and Culture. This paper mainly revolves around History, Geography and Society.

Paper 3 – General Studies 2

General Studies Paper 2 consists mainly of Polity, Constitution, Governance, Social Justice and International relations.

Paper 4 – General Studies  3       

General Studies Paper 3 consists mainly of Economic Development, Technology, Environment, Biodiversity, Security and Disaster Management.

Paper 5 – General Studies  4       

General Studies Paper 4 consists mainly of Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude.


UPSC Syllabus For Mains General Studies 1

The History, Heritage, Geography, and Culture of the World and Society are the main topics of the first General Studies paper. The commission has outlined the essential themes of the General Studies 1 syllabus which is mentioned below for candidates.

Indian Heritage and Culture, History and Geography of the World and Society:

·      Indian Culture: It covers the salient features of Art Forms, Literature and Architecture from ancient times to modern times.

·      Modern Indian History: It includes the significant events, personalities, and issues from the middle of the 18th century until the present.

·      In The Freedom Struggle, Various stages and important contributors and contributions from different parts of the country.

·      Consolidation and Reorganisation of the country after independence.

·      Events from the 18th century will be included in the history of the world, such as the industrial revolution, world wars, redrawing of national borders, colonisation, and decolonization, as well as political philosophies like communism, capitalism, socialism, and others—their manifestations and social effects.

·      Important characteristics of Indian society and India’s diversity.

·      The role of women and the organisation of women, population and related issues, poverty and developmental challenges, urbanisation, related issues, and solutions.

·      The social effects of globalisation in India.

·      Communalism, Regionalism, Secularism, and Social Empowerment.

·      Important physical geography characteristics of the world.

·      Distribution of major natural resources worldwide (including South Asia and the Indian subcontinent); determinants of where primary, secondary, and tertiary sector industries are located globally (including India).

·      Critical geographic features and their location-changes in flora and fauna, as well as in water bodies and ice caps and the impact of such changes. Important geophysical phenomena include earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic activity, cyclones, etc.

UPSC Syllabus For Mains General Studies II

The Polity, Governance, Constitution, Social Justice, and Interrelations topics are covered in the UPSC Mains Syllabus General Studies II paper. The detailed syllabus is provided to candidates below.

·      Governance, Polity, Constitution, Social Justice and International Relations:

·      The basic structures, features, modifications, major provisions, and historical context of the Indian Constitution.

·      Functions and duties of the Union and the States, problems and difficulties with the federal system, and obstacles with the devolution of authority and resources to local levels.

·      Power separation between multiple organs, conflict resolution procedures, and institutions.

·      Comparing the Indian constitutional design to other countries’ systems

·      Structure, administration, business practises, powers, and privileges of the Parliament and State Legislatures, as well as challenges resulting from these.

·      Governmental Ministries and Departments; Pressure Group organisations and formal/informal associations; and their purpose in the Polity.

·      Structure, organisation, and operation of the Executive and the Judiciary.

·      The Representation of People’s Act’s key characteristics.

·      Appointment to several constitutional Bodies, as well as their respective duties and responsibilities.

·      Statutory, regulatory, and various quasi-judicial agencies; Government interventions for development in many sectors; Problems resulting from the planning and execution of these interventions.

·      The role of NGOs, SHGs, diverse groups and associations, funders, charities, institutional, and other stakeholders in development processes and the development industry.

·      Welfare programmes put in place by the federal government and individual states for the population’s most vulnerable groups, as well as the effectiveness of these programmes; institutions, laws, and other organisations created to safeguard and improve the lives of these vulnerable groups.

·      Issues pertaining to the growth and administration of the social sector and services in the fields of health, education, and human resources.

·      Hunger and poverty-related issues.

·      Transparency and accountability are crucial components of governance, as are e-governance applications, models, accomplishments, limitations, and possibilities; citizens’ charters, transparency & accountability, and institutional and other measurements.

·      The function of the civil service in a democracy

·      India’s relationship with its neighbours.

·      Groupings and agreements at the bilateral, regional, and international levels involving or impacting India and/or its interests.

·      Effect of developed and developing countries policies and politics on India’s interests and the Indian diaspora.

·      Important international organisations, agencies, and forums: their makeup and objectives.

UPSC Syllabus For Mains General Studies III

The subjects of Science, Technology, Economics, Defense, Disaster Management, and Nature are thoroughly covered in UPSC Mains General Studies III. This paper would raise ask relating to many facets of life as well as recent developments in all areas of life.

·      Economic Development, Technology, Environment, Bio-diversity, Security and Disaster Management:

·      Indian Economy, including planning, resource mobilisation, growth, development, and employment difficulties.

·      Inclusive growth and the problems it raises.

·      Budgeting of Government.

·      Major crops, patterns of cropping in various regions of the nation, various types of irrigation and irrigation systems, challenges with storage, transport, and marketing of agricultural products, and related limitations; the use of e-technology by farmers.

·      Concerns about buffer stocks and food security, direct and indirect farm subsidies, and minimum support prices; Public Distribution System goals, operations, and shortcomings; Technology missions; and the economics of animal husbandry.

·      Food processing and related sectors in India: their size and importance, where they are, what is needed in the upstream and downstream, and supply chain management.

·      Indian land reforms.

·      The economic implications of liberalisation, changes to industrial policy, and how these affect the expansion of the industrial sector.

·      Infrastructure includes things like ports, roads, airports, and railroads.

·      Models for investments.

·      Science and technology breakthroughs, as well as how they are used and impact daily life.

·      Scientific and technological advances made by Indians; indigenization of technology; and the creation of new technology.

·      Awareness of issues relating to intellectual property rights as well as IT, space, computers, robotics, nanotechnology, and biotechnology.

·      Environmental impact assessment, pollution and degradation of the environment, and conservation.

·      Disasters and disaster management; Relationships between extremism’s growth and dissemination.

·      The contribution of non-state and state actors from outside to the problems with domestic security.

·      Threats to internal security posed by communication networks, the media’s and social media’s role in such threats, the fundamentals of cyber security, and money laundering and its prevention.

·      Security issues and how to manage them in border regions – connections between organised crime and terrorism.

·      The function of various security agencies and organisations.


UPSC Syllabus For Mains General Studies IV

·      Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude: This paper contains questions to assess the candidate’s attitude and approach toward matters relating to integrity, probity in public life, and their approach to problem-solving when dealing with a variety of challenges and disputes in society. In order to determine these elements and cover area, questions may use the case study approach.


·      Ethics and Human Interaction: The purpose, factors, and outcomes of ethical behaviour in people; the dimensions of ethics; and the application of ethics in both personal and professional settings. The importance of family community and educational institutions in instilling values may be seen in the study of human values, which draws lessons from the lives and teachings of great leaders, reformers, and administrators.

·      Moral and political attitudes, social influence, and persuasion are all aspects of attitude that include its content, structure, and function as well as its relationship to cognition and behaviour.

·      Civil service aptitude and core principles, including honesty, objectivity, and non-partisanship; dedication to public service; empathy; tolerance; and compassion for the weaker groups.

·      Emotional intelligence concepts, as well as their benefits and use in governance and administration.

·      Contributions from moral philosophers and thinkers in India and around the world.

·      Public/Civil Service Values and Ethics in Public Administration: Status and Issues; Ethical Issues in International Relations and Funding; Corporate Governance; Laws, Rules, Regulations, and Conscience as Sources of Ethical Guidance. Accountability and Ethical Governance.

·      Probity in governance includes the idea of public service, the philosophical underpinnings of governance and probity, information sharing and transparency in government, the right to information, codes of ethics and conduct, citizen’s charters, workplace culture, the effectiveness of service delivery, the use of public resources, and challenges posed by corruption.

·      Case Studies on the aforementioned concerns


UPSC Mains Syllabus For Qualifying Papers

The purpose of these papers is to evaluate a candidate’s aptitude for reading and comprehending serious discursive prose as well as for expressing ideas in the relevant Indian and English languages in a clear and precise manner. The marks obtained in these papers would not be used to determine to rank. These papers are of qualifying nature only (a minimum of 25% marks are required in each paper).


UPSC Syllabus For Indian Language

·      In this UPSC Mains Indian Language Paper, major topics are covered:

·      Comprehension of given passages. 

·      Precis Writing. 

·      Usage and Vocabulary. 

·      Short Essays.

·      Translation from English to the Indian Language and vice-versa....